Extreme Sky Diving
Extreme sky diving comes only long after your first sky diving jump. You can see what it consists of on a regular basisadvertising campaigns often use extreme sky diving as a motif. The photographs of those large circles of divers holding hands in tandem formations as they fall 6,000 or more feet through a blue skythat is extreme sky diving.
Extreme sky diving is what you came out for. You need to move beyond the novice stage. To call yourself competent, you need to invest time and practice. Given that the sky dive itself takes perhaps 10 minutes, of which barely one minute is freefall, that's a lot of flying and a lot of jumps. You should have about 40 to 50 minutes of freefall under your belt to start. Fortunately, you won't be spending that $200 odd every time you jump.
Extreme sky diving is almost anything you want it to be. That is, you can specialize in anything you like. Possibilities include formation sky diving, free flying, sky dancing, freefall cinematography, and accuracy landing. To get to these levels, you must practice, practice, practice.
It takes hours of freefall experience to learn how to control your body motion in that swift 40 or 50 seconds of dancing with gravity. The dancing can be a waltz, a polka, or gymnastics. There are almost no limits. You'll need to master stable standups, flat spins, and full twists. You'll want to be adept at tucked back loops, side tucked back loops, and canopy control.
Are you getting the idea of what extreme sky diving really is? Extreme sky diving means control, finesse, and comfort. It means practice, practice, practice and practice.