It's import to learn some basic knowledge about the TRX strength training,
you may get the biggest profits meanwhile preventing the injuries.
1. How often for the TRX strength training in a week? The Experts recommends
an opinion: two or three days per week without respite. Before Re-Working, it
needs 48 hours for the muscles to restore, TRX Trainer repair and growth. If you don"t
do the full-body exercise, you may carry on the strength training at most of
time, just stagger muscle TRX Italia
groups on the line: do first day upper body exercises, lower body exercises the
second day.
2.The way of breathing. In order to achieve the best effect, you must learn
the way of breathing, it seems granted, how ever, many people will unconsciously
hold the breath. So please pay attention to breathing, exhale when Muscle
relaxation or weight lifting down, inhale when Maximum force or weight lifting
up. Correct breathing can help prevent blood pressure rise too high, it also can
reduce the possibility of occurrence of dizziness.
3. What's the sequence?
The Repetitions (or "time" for strength training) refers to the number of
times that you do a certain TRX action, such as standing back extension, Pull
through or Suspended pike. "A cycle" refers to a number of repetitive actions
you did before the break. The standard principle for muscle strength is two
cycles, each 10 to 12 times. If you can not complete 10 times with the weight
you are using, it means that the weight is too heavy. If you can do 15 times at
the end of the second cycle, it means the weight you are using is too light.
Please remember, different exercise need different weight. Compare with one
muscle group or joint exercises, more muscle groups and / or multiple joint
exercises needs more weight.
As you become stronger and stronger, you need increase the number of
repetitions for muscles continuing to grow, this rule is applicable for any
using or un-using actual weight for strength training. No matter how many times
you do, the seconds TRX Suspension
Training between repetitions should be 4-6 seconds. You must be slow and
controlled when repeating every action.
4. Take a rest between each cycle. So the muscles can be rest and Relaxed.
For example, if you do three cycles TRX Suspended pike, each cycle 12 times,
then 12 times do first, then rest, do the second 12 times, rest, then do the
third 12 times. It needs time for muscle recovery, for our proposed 10 to 12
times every cycle of exercise, it will take 30 to 60 seconds for recovery.